Spay Panama Volunteer Veterinarian Project

Spay Panama welcomes veterinarians from across the globe to volunteer time and skills, while experiencing the beautiful country of Panama.  This is a great opportunity to provide veterinarian care to less fortunate dogs and cats that have never received medical attention such as sterilizations, and day to day basic animal care.  This project is dedicated to veterinarians that enjoy the self gratification of  helping the sick, homeless and making a difference in the overpopulation of  unwanted animals.  While assisting in Spay Panama's Blitzs,  tours, shopping, lodging transportation,  and meals are provided.  For more information, please click here.
Spay Panama's
Animals Yes, USA
TAX ID#  20-8764359
Please help and make your tax-deductible gift to SPAYES to support our animal education, welfare and sterilization campaigns.  Thank you for caring about Panama's animals! 

Calling Volunteers!

Wondering how you can help Spay Panama's Animals Yes, USA & Spay Panama, while enjoying Panama?  
Caption:  Volunteer Pennsylvania Veterinarian, Dr. Kim Hanley
Spay Panama's Animals Yes, USA is an all volunteer, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.  TAX ID#  20-8764359
         The Spay Panama Student Veterinarian Program

This program is designed for student veterinarians, who would like the opportunity for hands-on experience while enjoying another culture and making a difference in the  lives of feral, homeless, and  the less fortunate dogs and cats in Panama.  This program teaches future veterinarians the  Quick Spay Method  (small incision, early sterilization, use of stainless steel suture, and early release), that our knowledgable SPAYes veterinarinarians perform.  Spay Panama also provides medical attention, when able, to injured and sick animals.  For more information on what this package includes and much needed medical donation required, please click here.
Caption:  Virginia Tech Veterinarian student, Kelsie Diehl   
Caption: Volunteer California Veterinarian, 
Dr. Rebecca Diaz
"Experience Panama"-  This page includes helpful links, information, and pictures, click here.
           Volunteer with Spay Panama

Spay Panama is always in need of volunteers to help during clinic and Blitz hours.  Anyone can volunteer!  When you join our team, here are some of the things you will be helping out with:
-Clean cages
-Double newsprint and paper towels for the feline services-
-Gloves and gauze wrap to sterilize
-Transport equipment and personnel on tour
-Socialize animals for adoption
-Clean facilities
-Packing and unpacking equipment and supplies for tour
-Disseminate and educate about the importance of sterilization
Spay Panama Sterilization Statistics as of July 2024: 

Over 350,474 Dogs and Cats